Google Assistant | Virtual Assistant

Google Assistant will now understand Hindi too. Google Assistant Artificial Intelligence is the Best Virtual Assistant, which Google has created. Before that, there was no Hindi support in it. That is, Google Assistant will now answer your questions in Hindi. Along with this new support, Google Assistant has become the first Artificial Intelligence-based Assistant to offer Hindi support.

This Hindi support has not been supported in Apple Siri and Amazon Alexa. Although Hindi support given in Google Assistant is currently limited. This new feature is very important for India. According to the report, Google Assistant can talk to you in Hindi. You can ask questions in Hindi, the answer will also be found in Hindi.

Before this, you had to use English to ask questions from Google Assistant and the answer to the question was to be given in English only. Google has not officially launched it, but this new feature can be seen.

Google Assistant with Android

According to the Android Police report, Google has started supporting Hindi in all Android smartphones with Google Assistant.

If you are an Android user and have a Google Assistant in your smartphone, then first you have to open this app or say "Hey Google". You can ask questions as soon as Google Assistant looks. For example, Google Askist will ask: How is the weather, then the answer will be found in Hindi only. Apart from this, you can ask who is the President of India who will also get the reply in Hindi.

Google Assistant Updated Features

If you have not updated Google Assistant or Android, then first update it. After this you have to change the default language given to you in Google System. For this, taping on the Language-Input-Language- Ad Language, here you have to select English and insert the Location India.

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